Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chicken & pesto roll-ups

Chicken & pesto roll-ups

Chicken & pesto roll-ups
Chicken & pesto roll-ups


25g margarine

25g plain flour

600ml milk

50g ground new parmesan

100g Gruyère

6 tbsp pesto

8 flapjacks (see formula interface underneath)

2 cooked skinless, boneless chicken bosoms, shredded

285g container artichoke hearts in oil, emptied and quartered if important


Preheat the stove to 200c/gas 6/fan 180c. Put the margarine, flour and drain in a dish and speed over a medium hotness until the mixture bubbles and thickens. Decrease the high temperature and stew for 5 minutes. Expel from the hotness, mix in the Parmesan and a large portion of the gruyère and season with salt and ground dark pepper.

Spill one third of the sauce into a vessel and mix in the pesto. Lay out the flapjacks and spoon a spot of sauce in the inside of every one. Top with the chicken and artichokes then overlap in the sides of the flapjacks and move them Arrange the hotcakes in a solitary layer in a buttered substantial shallow heating dish (around 25 x 30cm) and spill over the remaining sauce. Scramble with whatever remains of the gruyère. (On the off chance that making ahead, cool, cover and chill for a day, or stop for a month.)

Prepare, revealed, for 30 minutes until the sauce is percolating and brilliant. Present with a green mixed green

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