Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Coconut Burfi Recipe Coconut Burfi Recipe (Kopra Pak/ Fresh Coconut Fudge)
Makes: 15 to 18 little square burfi's

Elements for Coconut Burfi Recipe

2 glasses crisply ground coconut

2 glasses sugar

1/4 glass water

1/4 glass milk

1 teaspoon cardamom powder

1 teaspoon cardamom powder

Technique for Coconut Burfi Recipe

To start making the Coconut Burfi Recipe, we will first make the sugar syrup. In a medium size sauce skillet; mix in the sugar and water with high temperature on medium. When the sugar has softened keep on boilling the sugar mixture until the fluid achieves a two string consistency.

To know the right consistency - do the cool water treat test. Take few tablespoons of water in a glass; include a drop of sugar syrup to water. On the off chance that it holds its shape like a softball and doesn't disintegrate into water then its at the right consistency.

Include the ground coconut, milk and cardamom powder to the sugar syrup. With the high temperature on medium keep blending every now and again to keep the mixture from adhering to the container.

In 10 to 15 minutes, the mixture will thicken and will set out far from the sides of the skillet. This happens with the coconut discharging its oil. At this stage turn off the hotness and be mindful so as not to blend any more on high temperature as the mixture can get over cooked and won't set to the consistency needed. The sugar will crystalise making the burfi hard.

Exchange the coconut burfi mixture to a tray (8 x 8 inch square which has a 2 inch min stature) lubed with ghee.

Level the burfi mixture. Run a blade to cut into squares and permit it to cool and set on the tray for more than a few hours.

Once cooled totally, separate the precut Coconut Burfi and serve for celebrations and extraordinary events.

Store the Coconut Burfi in hermetically sealed compartments in the cooler for around 2 weeks.

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