Monday, October 27, 2014

Thai chicken and sweet potato soup

Thai chicken and sweet potato soup

Thai chicken and sweet potato soup


1 tsp olive or rapeseed oil

2 garlic cloves, hacked

1 red stew, deseeded and cleaved

2cm piece root ginger, cleaved

1 stalk lemongrass, bashed

1 x 25g pack coriander, leaves and stalks hacked independently

2 tbsp red Thai curry glue

750ml chicken stock (made with 2 stock 3d shapes)

1 little can (160ml) coconut cream

500g sweet potatoes, peeled and generally hacked

2 skinless chicken bosoms, cut

1 lime, squeeze just

1 tsp sugar

½ tsp fish sauce


Heat the oil in a vast pot. Include the garlic, bean stew, ginger, lemongrass, coriander stalks and curry glue and cook for 2 - 3 minutes until the fragrances are discharged.

Include the chicken stock, coconut cream and sweet potatoes and cook for 15 minutes or until the potatoes are delicate. Evacuate the lemongrass and dispose of. Deliberately exchange to a blender and barrage until smooth. In the event that solidifying, for best comes about stop as of right now, generally as a less demanding alternative stop complete formula.

Come back to the pan, include the chicken and cook tenderly for 5 - 10 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Blend through the lime squeeze, sugar and fish sauce, diffuse with the coriander leaves and serve

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