Friday, October 24, 2014

Simple King Prawns

Simple King Prawns


675g crude lord or tiger prawns

3 tsp olive oil

3 garlic cloves, finely hacked

150ml low-sodium fish stock

3 tbsp new lemon juice

great squeeze of pulverized dried chillies

1 tsp cornflour mixed with 1 tbsp water

4 tbsp hacked parsley


Prep:20min  ›  Cook:10min  ›  Ready in:30min

Peel the prawns. To devein them, make a shallow reduce of each one prawn and uproot the dark vein.

Put the olive oil into a vast non-stay griddle and hotness over a medium high temperature. Include the garlic and cook quickly until delicate.

Include the prawns and cook, blending as often as possible, for around 3 minutes. Include the stock, lemon squeeze and squashed chillies, and bring to the bubble. Cook for around 1 moment or until the prawns are murky all through.

With an opened spoon, exchange the prawns to serving plates. Acquire the fluid the skillet to the bubble, blend in the cornflour mixture and cook, blending, for around 1 moment or until the sauce is softly thickened. Mix in the parsley and spoon the sauce over the

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